A well-known quote, contained in a blockquote element.
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About Me
Hi, I am Harshit. I am good at developing websites and other building automation tools. You can call me a web developer or just a tech enthusiast.
I like to make and design things that are useful (atleast to me). Sometimes I just wander around the internet and inspect websites and apps. I also have a tendency towards theoratical computer science and Mathematics.
This is the consequence of me pursuing Bachelor of Technology from University of Lucknow (2020-24).
I am diving into the field of Data Science and have interest and knowledge in data extraction, scraping and analysis. IIT Madras BSc Degree is the reason behind this venture. I have
earnt a Diploma in Programming in May 2022 from this program and paving way for Diploma in Data Science.
On my creative side, I take photographs. Photos are the only thing that help me document my life, surroundings, events and happy or sad days of life. You may download some here.
I have a keen interest in knowing how things work.
Bachelor of Science
This is a hybrid course in Programming and Data Science from IIT Madras. This course is offered through online mode with exam in offline mode. I currently have a CGPA of 8.6 in this course.
Know More about this course here
Bachelor of Technology (2020-24)
Pursuing my undergrad course in the field of Computer Science and Engineering from University of Lucknow. I currently have a CGPA of 8.0 in this course.
XI & XII (2020)
Completed 11th and 12th with ICSE board from Heliger Borden Education Centre, Kanpur in the year 2020 Secured 88.16 % in PCM Stream.
Works and Projects

Karyam: Simple Task Manager
HTML CSS JavaScript
This is a very simple and basic task manager that is available inside your chrome. I needed this to track my daily todos and thus decided to develop it. Completed in just 2 days including learning chrome extension development, design, development, graphics and publishing.

IITM BS Placement Website
This is the internship and placement website for the IIT Madras BS Degree Program. This was developed by a team of 4 including me. It is now hosted on BS Degree Portal. Click here to visit.

Insta PD: Instagram Profile Downloader
HTML Flask Python AWS
A web app to download profile picture of any instagram user. It currently uses a python library called instaloader. This is hosted on an AWS EC2 linux instance.

FlashCard App
Flask (Python)
A full fledged web application imitating physical flashcards. This app was a project for the course of Modern Application Development in IITM BSc Program. A number of modern concepts were used here like JWT, VueJS,etc.

Tic Tac Toe
I made this one to practice logic of tic-tac-toe and also VueJS. It was built with the help from a lecture in App Development course (IIT BSc).

My Portfolio Website
HTML CSS JavaScript
This is the same site you are currently visiting. I had a previous version of my portfolio that I never completed. You can see it here.

FLask SQLite Python
This is an on-the-go certificate (or any other doc) generation python web app. This can be used for various purposes. I originally developed this to generate e-certificates for code fest of college. Check Github repo here.
Other small projects, practice works and contributions can be found on my Github.
Skills and Knowledge
I believe in learning things more out of necessity and less for certifications. This has evolved me to be a quick learner.
Anyways, these are things I am good at.
{ Web Development }
- HTML CSS experienced in these
- JavaScript Very Familiar, always working
- Vue JS Worked a lot with this
- Flask Used extensively
- SQLite and PostgreSQL Quite familiar
- FireBase Beginner
- Web APIs REST APIs, intermediate
- insert a new tech here I can learn and use quickly
{ Programming }
- Python Primary language
- NodeJS Using for web
- Java Learnt for OOP
- C Learnt for college
- Brainf*ck Have you heard of that?
{ Other tech things }
- Chrome Extension Development and Deployment basic knowledge
- Linux Enthusiast Ubuntu over Windows
- Command Line Scripting Linux + Windows
- Data extraction and analysis Still learning
- AWS EC2 Hosted a few things
- Google Cloud Learnt from cloudskillsboost
- Hosting and DNS Management Quite familiar
- Chrome/Firefox Developer Tools
Always using this - Automating things with scripts
{ Creative }
- Photography to document moments in my life
- No I don't sing, dance or write !!
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Thanks for staying till here. Have a great day !